Whitewater Leader Award
A Paddle UK / British Canoeing Awarding Body Certified Course

If you would like to lead others on Grade 2 (3) then this internationally recognised qualification is designed exactly for that.
Our training courses cover the syllabus in a highly practical way, exploring personal skills, decision making, leadership strategy, empowering our group, rescues and sessions on incident management and the type of equipment a leader may need to carry. Training is not mandatory - if you think you have sufficient experience then you can go straight to assessment. The course will take place on grade 2(3) rivers in a small group where there will be plenty of opportunities to practice everything and ask questions. The minumum duration for a training course is two days but we do run longer courses with more time to practice and go into depth.
The one day assessment will take place on a grade 2(3) river with real paddlers who need to be led in the environment. This will be a river that you choose according to the conditions on the day, the aspirations of the group and the scope of the award. Options can be discussed in advanced with your assessor. We believe that assessments should be low-pressure and an enjoyable, supportive experience where learning still happens. To this end we reccomend a verbal discussion in advance so that you can ask any questions. Before this you should read the award criteria to give you a clear understanding of what an assessment entails.
More information on this award can be found on the BCAB website here.
Training - £220pp
Assesssments - from £250pp

Am I ready for the training?
If you regularly paddle grade 2/3 rivers and have an interest in leading others then you can attend the training. Your personal skill level should be roughly equivalent to the Progressive Whitewater Award.
If you're still not sure then get in touch and we'd be happy to discuss this.
Are there any pre-requisites for training?
No, other than some personal skills and experience anyone can attend this training, If you want it logged then you will need to be a member of your paddlesport home nation (Paddle UK, Canoe Wales etc.)
What equipment should I bring for the training course?
Bring everything that you would normally take on a day our paddling in this environment. We will discuss what you will need to carry for assessment and once qualified.
As a minimum you should have:
- Kayak with airbags
- Paddle
- Bouyancy Aid, Helmet & Spraydeck
- Tape with Karabiner
- Throwline & Knife
- Suitable Clothing
- Food & Drink
- Personal Medication
Are there any pre-requisites for Assessment?
Before presenting for assessment you will have to:
- Be a home nation member (Paddle UK, Canoe Wales etc.)
- Have completed a Two Day Whitewater Safety Award
- Hold a relevant, in date 16hr Outdoor First aid course
- Hold a relevant, in date safeguarding certificate.
Who do I lead on my asessment?
The people must need to be led on the river but be capable and willing to take part in running rapids, rescues and scenarios. Ideally you, the candidate will be able to source these people from your club, your place of work or from facebook groups. There must be at least three people so organising four is advisable in case someone drops out.
What equipment should I bring for Assessment?
You will need everything that you think might be appropriate for looking after a group on the day in question. If you do need to borrow anything then please ask. Anything you borrow will be deemed as yours for assessment purposes.